Mann, Zachary

record of insubordination


unprofessional conduct

violation of policy

violation of federal law

attempted kidnap of a minor

attempted murder

relevant evidence:

Type: email communication


This is going to sound crazy Robert, but I've been looking at the new patient's logs, the Copeland girl - and what I've found could change everything. She has frequent delusional episodes, going on about things no one else understands. But I believe it's much deeper than that. When I was at university I worked on a project with a young man exactly like Copeland, identical episodes and even talking about the same things during them. My professor took me aside and told me that that man was one of a very few who could see into an alternate dimension. An alternate dimension, Robert! I dismissed him as crazy then, but reading these incident logs of the Copeland girl, I can't help but think that he might have been on to something after all. The things she says... they really do seem as though they could be true in a world not quite like our own. No knowledge of jobs, presidents, or cars, or even nightime. No knowledge even of death. This alternate dimension.. It is a utopia, Robert. If there really is any chance that the Copeland girl is a connection to this glorious world, we must pursue this. I've been looking around, and I am in communication with a reliable man who can start studying this girl right away. We need only get her out of this facility. If you are willing to help me, which I pray you are, we can do this together. Think about it hard, Robert.

Type: email communication


I am concerned for you, Zachary. This is not like you. I strongly urge you to drop this train of thought immediately lest it get you into deep trouble. If you pursue this any further, I will be obliged to report your behavior to the Institute.
Take care,
Robert Johnston

Type: secondary email communication


Good morning Amy,
I would like to take the time to notify you of concerning behavior displayed by our colleague Zachary Mann. I do not believe he is a danger to Elmwood Road patients as of yet, but I have my suspicions. I have not notified the Institute, but I will do so if the situation escalates any further and I urge you to do the same. Please look after your own safety as well as the safety of our patients. I am going to try to convince the Institute to heighten nightime security without revealing too much about the situation to avoid causing unnecessary trouble if Zachary really does mean to cease his behavior. I will explain more details in person tomorrow.
Take care,
Robert Johnston

Type: news article

News Article