Fort Ferry Times

Scandal Surrounds Facility Fire

Shady business behind the burning of top medical facility Elmwood Road Institute

Emelia White • August 26, 2024

The burning Elmwood Road Institute on the night of August 25th

At around 11pm on August 25th, authorities evacuated the Elmwood Road Institute, which had began burning a half hour prior. It was a deliberately set fire, with the suspected culprit, facility therapist Zachary Mann, missing as of writing.

Mann had entered the facility at approximately 10:05pm with the intent of kidnapping facility resident Cordellia Copeland, who is also reported missing as of writing. Mann was confronted by his colleague Amy Waters, relations manager at the facility, on his way to apprehend the girl, and drew a weapon on Waters. Specifics as to what kind of weapon have yet to be released.

Escaping Mann, Waters was able to call the police from the facility staff room at 10:26pm. In an attempt to incapacitate Waters, Mann barricaded the staff room door and proceded to set the door on fire, trapping Waters in the staff room.

Authorities managed to extract Waters safely from the burning building, from which she was then rushed to Fort Ferry General hospital and as of writing is being treated for first and second degree burns, but is expected to live. The residents and remaining care staff were evacuated from the facility when authorities arrived. No further injuries were sustained.

The actions of Mann from the point of setting the fire are unknown, but it is assumed that he succeeded in apprehending Cordellia Copeland and fleeing the facility. Professional investigators are already on the case and searching for both Mann and Copeland.

A photo of Cordellia Copeland

Copeland is pictured on the left. Authorities urge anyone who has information about Copeland or Mann to report it immediately.